Protection Against Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment

When you have a grant funded by the Disability Fund, you are committed to work to prevent sexual harassment, exploitation, and abuse. This means that all applicants to the fund must comply with DPOD’s Safeguarding Policy for the Global Disability Programme.

Complying with DPOD’s Safeguarding Policy means that you must ensure that your project, to the best of your ability, is carried out in an environment free from all forms of exploitation, abuse, and harassment, whether sexual or otherwise.

If your organization has grants from the Disability Fund totaling more than one million DKK, you must also develop a Safeguarding Policy. Similarly, if your partner organization has grants totaling more than one million kroner, you must also support them in creating and implementing a Safeguarding Policy.

Equally important, however, is to engage in preventive work and to enter into dialogue with your partner organization about the prevention and handling of sexual violations.