billedet af handicaporganisationernes hus i aftenmørke

The World's Most Accessible House

The world's most accessible house, also known as the House of Disability Organisations is situated in Høje-Taastrup, Denmark. The house was opened for business on December 12th, 2012 and houses more than 17 disability organisations.

First office building in the world with 100 percent accessibility

The House of Disability Organisations is built according to the principles of universal design, and it is both nationally and internationally the first office building that strives to offer 100 percent accessibility for everyone regardless of disability.

The building shows the value in thinking about accessibility from the start, so it becomes a natural and integral part of the house's architecture and disposition and not something that needs to be adapted afterwards - often with extra costs as a result.

DPOD's vision is a society where people with disabilities can participate, contribute and be part of the community. The house therefore should set as an example for future office construction, which shows how people with various disabilities can be involved to a much greater extent in working life and society.

In addition of being 100 percent accessible, the house is also innovative, as it combines sustainability, indoor climate and inclusive architecture. 

Below you can read an english magazine about the building, view our gallery, or get a virtual tour of the building.

English magazine about the building

Handicaporganisationernes Hus logo.jpg

Download the magazine that describes the house's vision and structure.


billedet af handicaporganisationernes hus i aftenmørke

View the gallery of the House of Disability Organisations and see the details that went into making it.

Virtual tour of the building

Billedet af huset

We've toured the house with a 360-degree camera.