Privacy and data protection policy

Below you will find DPOD's privacy and data protection policy.

Background and who you can contact - the data controller

Disabled People’s Organisations Denmark (DPOD) is the disability movement's umbrella organisation and has 36 member organisations with approximately 400,000 members.

The processing of the personal data takes place in accordance with the Danish Data Protection Act and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). DPOD is the data controller for the information that we register and process about you.

DPOD do not and must not have a data protection advisor.

DPOD believes that it is important, through effective data protection and good information for those registered, to contribute to trust in DPOD’s services and administration. DPOD will therefore not only comply with legal and regulatory requirements, but will, as a quality element, offer secure processing of personal data for those active in DPOD's local branches, employees and other partners.

If you have questions about how we process your personal data, or if you wish to make use of your rights under the legislation regarding access to the registered information, the right to rectification, deletion of erroneous information, deletion of information or the right to limit the processing of information, you must contact the data controller:

Jesper Kejlhof
Danske Handicaporganisationer
Blekinge Boulevard 2, 2630 Taastrup
+45 30 73 75 75

Below you can read about the information we collect, the purposes for which we use it, how we process the information and your rights.

Registration and processing of information, purpose, legal basis and consent

DPOD only registers and processes personal data about you that is necessary.

DPOD uses consent as a basis for processing personal data about you when you are a member of DPOD or you enter into a partnership with us.

The legal basis for processing the personal data can be found in the Data Protection Regulation Article 6 subsection 1 points B and C and Article 9, subsection 2 points A and H.

Consent and withdrawal of consent

In addition to the mentioned legal basis for the processing, we have chosen to use your consent as a basis for processing your personal data.

When giving your consent, you have been made aware that you can withdraw your consent at any time. However, you should be aware that the withdrawn consent does not affect the legality of the processing that was based on consent before the withdrawal. It may also be a requirement for us to communicate with you that DPOD have your consent to the processing of personal data.

The categories of personal data that DPOD processes

We register general personal data covered by Article 6 of the Data Protection Regulation about you such as CPR no., name, address, information about relatives, email address, etc.

We register sensitive personal data covered by Article 9, subsection 1 of the Data Protection Regulation about you especially with regard to health information. In contrast, DPOD do not normally register information about race, ethnic origin, political, religious or philosophical beliefs, genetic data, biometric data, sexual relationships or sexual orientation. If it happens that DPOD registers such personal data, this will only happen with your consent.

Disclosure of information

DPOD do not pass on your personal data to others unless you have given consent or if DPOD is obliged under Danish law to pass on the personal data.

Insight into own information

Pursuant to Article 15 of the Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to access the personal data about you that DPOD registers and processes. However, you must be aware that the right of access only covers information about yourself and not about others.

If you wish to make use of the right of access, you must contact DPOD’s data controller (see above).

You will get the information within a reasonable period and within a month at the latest, and the information is usually provided free of charge. If the request for access occurs repeatedly, or is unfounded, you may be charged a fee that covers the administrative costs, or DPOD may refuse to comply with your request.

Your other rights: The right to rectification, deletion and limitation

Pursuant to the Data Protection Regulation Articles 16-18 and 19, you have the right to demand the correction of incorrect information about you, the deletion of information (the right to be forgotten) or the right to limit the processing of information, including while it is being investigated.

For the sake of clarity, it should be mentioned that DPOD do not make use of automatic individual decisions, including profiling.

Deletion of personal data

DPOD only stores information about you for as long as it is necessary for us to cooperate with you.

When our collaboration ends, DPOD stores your information in accordance with the statute of limitations, which is for a maximum of 5 years, unless there is a specific reason to keep the information longer. For example, if a claim has been made against DPOD where the information is important to the case.

Data security

DPOD complies with the provisions of Article 32 of the Data Protection Regulation in which the institution must implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure a level of security that suits the conditions.

The security provisions are laid down in the DPOD data protection policy.

Complaints guidance

If you wish to complain about DPOD’s processing of your personal data, you can send a complaint to:
Carl Jacobsens Vej 35,
DK 2500 Valby

Telephone: +45 33 19 32 00

You can get help from The Danish Data Protection Agency if you have questions about registration and other processing of personal data. You can complain to The Danish Data Protection Agency if you believe that the processing of information about you does not meet the requirements of the law. If you want to complain, you can contact The Danish Data Protection Agency and explain what you are dissatisfied with. It is free of charge to make a complaint.