Handicapparaplyen for forandring

The 4-year project has the overall goal of positioning Ghana Federation of Disability organisations (GFD) to be a stronger national umbrella organisation of Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) that effectively influences legislations, policies and programmes for disability inclusion and increased participation by persons with disabilities in the Ghanaian society.

The project aims to increase capacity and support advocacy related actions of GFD. There will be three components of the project: Organisational development, Advocacy for policies and laws to protect the welfare of People With Disabilities (PWD)s in Ghana and disability data to inform policy development and implementation as well as reporting on international conventions and protocols signed by the government. 

GFD will work to establish strong organisational systems, provide needs-based capacity building for members and increase membership involvement to enable effectively participation in policies formulation, implementation and monitoring.

This component aims to strengthen GFD as an umbrella organisation with focus on structure, institutional capacity and skills to effectively participate in policy formulation, implementation and monitoring. GFD will work with the leadership, operational staff, regional structures and membership of GFD.

The organisational development component focus on increasing knowledge and skills of GFD for effective and quality delivery as well as organisational sustainability. GFD will facilitate the coordination of joint advocacy issues at the national and international level but for this to happen, the GFD secretariat will have to strengthen it organisational structure and skills of staff.  

GFD will ensure that the capacity of member organisations be strengthened through training and collaboration. The advocacy and policy influencing work will focus on strengthening members' active involvement and building their capacity in advocacy initiatives. The capacity development training support will be tailored to enhance OPDs to advocate collectively and individually to promote the welfare on PWDs.

GFD will work to build a strong base for OPDs to advocate for development and implementation of policies that are sensitive to the promotion of disability welfare ensuring that PWDs are systematically and consistently included in and benefit from national policies.

GFD will work to influence the government to review policies and legal frameworks, ensure greater access to education, technical and vocational skills training and employment, and provide access to improved social protection schemes and the District Assemblies Common Fund by persons with disabilities. The work will aim to ensure the building of strategic coalitions and provide a platform for policy dialogue with key strategic partners.  

GFD will engage and influence the CPRD process, the SDGs reporting processes, contribute to the Global Disability Summit commitments review, and a disability specific status report for the UPR process. The project will strategically use disability-disaggregated data to develop alternative reports that will supplement government information and reports submitted in fulfilment of its international obligations. GFD will also create the needed space for policy makers and OPDs to interact through multi-stakeholder platforms, and brokering new knowledge on CRPD, UPR, disability laws and related mechanisms.

GFD will work to influence collection and analysis of disability specific data and push for data to be used to inform policy development and implementation.

The third component will focus on disability specific data gathered to inform policy development and implementation as well as reporting on international conventions and protocols signed by government.

The lack of data on persons with disabilities increases marginalization and fails to address the situation and discrimination encountered by persons with disabilities. Project interventions will aim to ensure specific sectors and situations of disability in Ghana to inform policy development and implementation as well as reporting on the CRPD and UPR process.

The intervention will work with three different output areas for data and research:

  1. Advocate for government to include accurate and reliable data on disability during national census and other data collection processes and ensure analysis and use of these,
  2. Data collection in the community to supplement government data and to be used for the CRPD reporting and other reporting and
  3. Membership data and work with membership databases.
Danske Handicaporganisationer
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