Black text on white background: Intrav

31 Oct - Online INTRAC / DPOD course on MEL systems – 1. cohort

Internationalt samarbejde

Intro: Capacity building on MEL (monitoring, evaluation, learning) systems – an online course run by INTRAC and DPOD. 1. Cohort – Monday 31 October to Friday 4 November, 2022 – 3 hours daily.

The learning aim of the course is to:

  • gain a better understanding of what monitoring and evaluation is,
  • be able to put practical approaches in place to raise the quality of M&E,
  • and to develop a better understanding of the results your projects are achieving.

The overall aim of the course is to contribute to:

  • more effective and consistent M&E practices across your organisations,
  • and more effective methods to measure and understand the effects of the work you are doing within the areas of organisational development, empowerment and advocacy.

The course will be a combination of online presentations, examples from projects supported through the Danish Disability Fund + inspiration from other development actors, as well as hands on application to one of your own projects.

Topics to be covered include:

  1. Introduction to MEL and its purposes: accountability and learning
  2. Planning for MEL
  3. Developing objectives and indicators
  4. Collecting data
  5. Analysing data
  6. Using data
  7. Facing our challenges
  8. Introduction to MEL systems

Target group: Danish disability organisations and their South partners receiving grants through the Danish Disability Fund.

When: This is a 15 hour course running over a 5 day period: Three online sessions Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 am to 1 pm (CET) Central European Time, and two self-learning sessions Tuesday and Thursday.

Sign up by clicking this link.


This course is the second thematic course in a series of three focusing on capacity building in the area of monitoring and evaluation. The courses are run twice (or more) in order to allow more participants to benefit.

  1. Thematic course: Outcome harvesting, March 2022 + possibility of additional course February 2023 for those who have not yet attended.
  2. Thematic course: MEL (monitoring, evaluation, learning) systems, November 2022
  3. Thematic course: Evaluation, 2023 – dates to be decided

All courses are hosted by DPOD but run by consultants with extensive experience in monitoring, evaluation and learning.


Monday 31st of October to Friday 4th of November


Gitte Liebst Robinson i Handicaporganisationernes HUs

Gitte Liebst Robinson

30 20 54 84