Danida Frame 2016-2019: Integrated Formal Employment Project for Persons with Disabilities in Ghana

The project aims at promoting sustainable employment for People with Disabilities (PWDs) through various employment schemes and capacity building of individual PWDs with a minimum of a tertiary education certification. Through strategic partnerships and influencing work, the project seeks to empower employers to mainstream disability in the work place by giving equal employment opportunities to PWDs and ensuring that their policies are disability inclusive. The project works to create the following four outcomes: 1) Targeted PWD’s are able to achieve sustainable formal employment; 2) Targeted employers hire PWD’s, establish reasonable accommodation for employees and have company policies for effective ongoing inclusion of PWD’s; 3) A clear policy and improved data collection makes employment of PWD’s in formal sector attractive and accountable; and 4) There is an increased awareness and positive attitude among selected target groups in favour of employing PWD’s.
Danske Handicaporganisationer
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