Hvid baggrund, blå tekst med ordet DPOD, under en rektangel, hvor der står political leadership

Political and organisational leadership

Disabled People's Organisations Denmark (DPOD) is governed by an Executive Committee of seven people elected by the Representative Council. The Council also elects the political leadership, which currently consists of chair Thorkild Olesen and vice-chair Sif Holst. The Representative Council meets every two years and consists of representatives of member organisations and local branches. The political leadership appoints the CEO.

The secretariat and organisational leadership

The secretariat is headed by our CEO, Katrine Mandrup Tang, and the management team includes Head of Communications Sigurd Jørgensen, Political Director Anne Sina, Head of Administration Jesper Kejlhof, and International Director Line Brøgger Kjærgaard.

Billedet viser organisationsdiagram for Internationalt Samarbejde

The secretariat consist of approximately 35 staff members.

You can find our staff members on this page (page is in Danish)

Chair - Thorkild Olesen

Thorkild Olesen (born July 30th, 1970 in Ringkøbing) has been chair of DPOD since 2014.

With a master's degree in history and religious studies from Aarhus University, Thorkild was born with glaucoma and has had a visual impairment all his life. He became blind at the age of 21. He has been part of the Danish disability movement for many years and is also vice-chair of The Danish Disability Counsel.

DH-formand Thorkild Olesen

Contact details:
Phone number: +45 36 75 17 77
E-mail: to@handicap.dk

Vice-chair - Sif Holst

Sif Holst (born March 27th, 1975 in Odense) has been vice-chair of DPOD since 2015.

Sif lives with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and has been a wheelchair user for more than 20 years. Sif is also chair of Danish Knowledge Centre on Disability, a member of The Council of Nordic Cooperation on Disability, a member of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), and a board member at the Danish Institute for Human Rights.

Pressebillede af Sif Holst, næstformand i DH

Contact details:
Phone number: +45 20 93 50 87
E-mail: sho@handicap.dk

Press photos

If you need press photos of our Chair, Vice-chair, CEO or our building, you'll find them in the link below. You'll be led to a download site by clicking on the picture you would like to download.

Handicaporganisationernes Hus set inde fra

I vores billedgalleri finder du pressebilleder af DH-formand Thorkild Olesen, DH-næstformand Sif Holst, vores direktør Katrine Mandrup Tang og af Handicaporganisationernes Hus.